Home / News / Public Prosecution refers a suspect to court for rape by coercion and sexual exploitation of minor

Public Prosecution refers a suspect to court for rape by coercion and sexual exploitation of minor

The public prosecution has referred a suspect to trial on charges of rape by coercion and sexual exploitation of a minor.

The Kalba public prosecution referred the accused to the juvenile court on charges of rape by coercion, sexual exploitation of a child, and other charges related to the case.

The details of the case date back to a complaint filed by the victim’s mother, who discovered that the accused, a relative of hers and the victim, had been sexually exploiting her son and had raped him by coercion several times since the victim was 11 years old. Investigations revealed that the accused had raped the victim several times and had threatened him not to report it.

It also revealed that the accused was using drugs and psychotropic substances.

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